
Infertility: What Are Your Options?

Infertility affects approximately 10% of couples who want to have children. Fortunately, today’s treatments for infertility give these couples renewed hope for starting a family. Columbus Women’s Care provides the clinical and emotional support that couples need when seeking solutions for infertility. Hormone Imbalances Most women who experience infertility have some hormonal imbalance. Testing hormone levels

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Benefits Of Ultrasound Imaging

Ultrasound imaging is most often associated with pregnancy and checking the health of your baby before childbirth. The technology is used in a wider range of applications. Ultrasound allows your physician to see details that are missing from x-rays and other types of diagnostic tests. Pelvic Ultrasound A pelvic ultrasound provides detailed images of your pelvic

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Love Is In The Air

Winter’s slumber is a distant memory, and spring is bringing about a rebirth of nature. Now is the time of year when new life emerges, and lovely song birds welcome each day. Love is, indeed, in the air. Now may be the time to consider your methods of contraception, and Columbus Women’s Care has several

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Help! My Lady Parts Hurt!

As a woman, you know that occasional cramps are part of the natural menstrual cycle, but pelvic pain can indicate other concerns if the problem is excessive either in severity or frequency. Columbus Women’s Health can help you understand why you are having pelvic pain, and we provide treatments to alleviate your symptoms. What Causes Pelvic

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Have You Heard?

Have you heard the news? Columbus Women’s Care offers cosmetic treatments! Our women’s health center has been expanded to include today’s most popular aesthetic services, and now you can have your clinical and cosmetic services under one roof. We are excited to offer anti-aging, skin rejuvenation, vaginal resurfacing, and fat reduction, and we even have

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Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

Phone will be answered 8am to 5pm Monday thru Thursday. Any messages left after 3:30pm on Thursday will not be answered until the following Monday. Leaving multiple voice mail messages will only delay a response from us. Please be patient. Please beware prescriptions are not considered an emergency and will not be handled by the emergency line. If you have an emergency after office hours or on Fridays, please call our after hour emergency line. You will be patched through to an off-site operator who will pass the message to the physician on call. If the Physician does not deem the message as an emergency, we will contact you the next business day.

NO children under the age of 8 weeks will be allowed with you during your appointment.

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