Frequently asked questions about uterine fibroids

Have you been told that you have uterine fibroids? Uterine fibroids are tumors that are often benign (non-cancerous) and develop on the uterine wall. They can be small or large, and can grow on either side of the uterine wall. These growths, sometimes referred to as myomas or fibromyomas, are typically not an issue for women, but there are times when they may become problematic or the doctor may suggest they are a sign of something more, such as leiomyosarcoma or other cancers. This may cause the doctor to recommend removal and further evaluation, just to be safe.

What causes uterine fibroids?

It has been difficult to determine what causes some women to develop uterine fibroids and some not. However, research continues to show that they are known for growing during times where hormonal changes occur. Fibroids may be linked to higher levels of progesterone and estrogen, which is why many women develop them during their pregnancy. This is because all hormone levels are high during pregnancy which may contribute to their development and growth.

How is a uterine fibroid diagnosed?

In most cases, uterine fibroids are diagnosed during a regular pelvic examination with the doctors at Columbus Women’s Care in Canal Winchester, Ohio. An abnormality may be felt, such as a small bump, which may lead the doctor to request further testing to confirm that a uterine fibroid has developed. Diagnostic tools may include:

  • Laboratory testing
  • Ultrasound screenings
  • MRI
  • Hysterosonography
  • Hysteroscopy
  • Hysterosalpingography

What treatment options are available for uterine fibroids?

In many cases, uterine fibroids do not result in a problem for women. Additionally, some uterine fibroids may shrink on their own, especially during certain life changes such as menopause. During menopause, hormone levels change and drop, often causing these fibroids to go away on their own. In other situations, the doctor may recommend certain medications or minimally invasive procedures to manually remove the fibroid from the uterine wall.

Do you suspect you have uterine fibroids?

Call Columbus Women’s Care of Canal Winchester, Ohio today to request a consultation visit and initial evaluation with our doctors. We are located at 7901 Diley Road in Suites 205/260 and can be reached by phone to book an appointment at (614) 755-4200.

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Friday - Sunday: Closed

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