There are so many different ways we can view ourselves. We can become more confident without gaining or losing a pound, just by changing our mindset. And we can be self-conscious about a normal thing like a period, or we can find the joy in such a helpful bodily function. Think about it: your period helps you experience the passage of time in a different way. It also helps you know that you’re not pregnant.
Though we can find positive things about our periods, heavy or abnormal periods cause other issues. If you feel that your flow isn’t acting normally, then keep reading.
What is abnormal?
What is normal for one woman could be extremely abnormal for another. This is why it’s a good idea to keep track of your periods. How much time is between periods? How long do they usually last?
Heavy menstrual bleeding can do and mean more than just more trips to the restroom during your time of the month. You could experience iron deficiency, or even need blood transfusions if your flow is especially heavy.
Sometimes, if you feel that you have an abnormal period, we will suggest tests to help rule out underlying issues. Fibroids, infection, endometriosis, or uterine cancer can all lead to heavy or abnormal bleeding. Hormone imbalances could be the cause of your heavy menstrual bleeding as well.
Questions to Ask Your Physician
It can be hard to think of questions in the moment when you’re at the doctor. Our minds go blank when we’re finally in front of someone who can provide concrete answers. The following questions can help you get the answers you need to make a choice about treatment options.
Why are you recommending this particular treatment option for my heavy bleeding? If that doesn’t work, what would be the next recommended treatment?
Are there disadvantages and/or risks associated with each recommended treatment?
Even if you find a serious concern like fibroids or endometriosis causing my abnormal uterine bleeding, is it possible to avoid a hysterectomy?
If you want to learn more, or are looking to schedule a consultation, then give us a call at (614) 755-4200.