Is Acupuncture a Good Idea?

Acupuncture Columbus, OH Depending on where you are in life, you may be coming to see your doctor for many different reasons. When we’re younger, we’re mostly concerned with staying healthy and safe. When we’re older, we may look into how to age gracefully and keep our bodies working as best they can. But, somewhere in the middle, we start thinking about starting a family. Keep reading to learn about acupuncture and if it’s a good idea to help you conceive.

What is Acupuncture?

Acupuncture is the ancient Chinese practice of insertion of ultra-thin, sterile needles into specific points on the body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioners, these points are located in channels or meridians of Qi (life force) which flows throughout the body. These channels of energy can be disrupted or imbalanced and when that happens, health issues like infertility occur. Acupuncture aims to redirect the stagnant Qi in people ailing from many different issues, helping them become more healthy and balanced.

How can it help infertility?

The goal of acupuncture is to rebalance the Qi that travels throughout the body, according to Traditional Chinese Medicine. Acupuncture needles placed at affected points along these energy channels helps this Qi travel as it is supposed to, which can then help your body heal and become more balanced. Encouraging your Qi to flow naturally in the way it is supposed to, you can increase your chances of conceiving.

Some western medicine professionals recommend acupuncture treatments but have different reasons for why it may help you conceive. Some doctors advise acupuncture, not for the realignment of Qi, but for the stress relief it often brings. Many patients have lower stress levels after receiving acupuncture treatments, and some postulate that the quiet and relaxing treatments encourage meditative moments that help patients control stress. Because stress can impact your ability to conceive (or even have successful IVF treatments), lowering your stress is important. In short, acupuncture may be able to help calm your sympathetic nervous system, thus lowering your stress levels.

If you’re interested in acupuncture treatments, it’s important to find a good practitioner with a good record. We may be able to suggest some good options for you. Contact us at (614) 755-4200 to learn more about your fertility and how to keep yourself healthy.

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