Women have more risk of developing UTIs (or urinary tract infections) throughout their lives, mainly because we have a shorter urethra which increases the chances of bacteria entering and causing havoc there. Keep reading for some telltale signs you have a UTI, and how you can kick it to the curb.
How do you tell if you have a UTI?
Some of the signs are pretty easy to recognize. A urinary tract infection generally reveals itself through pain, burning sensations, or even difficulty urinating. Alternatively, if you suddenly need to go RIGHT NOW, then that may be a sign too. It’s not only how you feel, but also what your body is expelling. If your urine is cloudy, red, or brown, then you likely have an infection.
Some signs are more common if you’re past your twenties and thirties. Cramping and muscle aches may signal a plethora of issues, but they can also be a side effect of urinary tract infections. It might be time to call a doctor if you have a few of these symptoms.
How do you treat a UTI?
Though less intense urinary tract infections may resolve themselves on their own, antibiotics can help resolve the issue faster. They can also help give you relief from symptoms sooner. Remember that when you take antibiotics, you need to take the entire dose your doctor has prescribed (even if you’ve started feeling better). The last thing you want is bacteria coming back with a vengeance. Bacteria with antibiotic resistance are becoming more and more of an issue and changing the way we treat medicine.
How can I prevent UTIs?
While some people are more disposed to getting urinary tract infections, there are some common preventative methods you can try to ward them off. Drink a lot of water to keep your urinary tract clean, and try to cut down on sugary or caffeinated drinks (like coffee, soda, and citrus drinks) which will only irritate your bladder.
If you’re currently suffering from a UTI, call us today at (614) 755-4200 to schedule a consultation.