Gynecological services provided at Columbus Women’s Care

Your reproductive health is important, and by working with a gynecological team in the Canal Winchester, OH area, we can help you stay heathy! At Columbus Women’s Care, we routinely work with women and provide gynecological services. Some of the services that are provided at our practice in the area of gynecology includes:

  • Yearly pelvic examinations – having annual pelvic examinations is critical to mentoring one’s reproductive health and gynecological functioning. During these examinations, certain screenings may be performed, including pap smears and mammograms.
  • Contraception counseling and procedures – women interested in contraceptives can talk to our providers about their options to help them make an educated decision regarding which is best for their needs and lifestyle.
  • Diagnosis and treatment of urinary incontinence – urinary incontinence can be embarrassing for many women, but we strongly encourage women to speak openly and honestly with our team about their needs. We can help diagnosis and treat mild to severe urinary incontinence.
  • Infertility – women looking to start or expand their family may find themselves with a diagnosis of infertility. If you are struggling in conceiving a child, it is vital that you work with a provider to get a better idea of why infertility is occurring and seek solutions when possible.
  • Surgical procedures – there are many surgical procedures that are provided by a gynecologist, including D&C, colposcopy, myomectomy, hysterectomy, and uterine endometrial ablation.
  • Minimally-invasive procedures – some procedures may be performed in a minimally-invasive manner. This includes hysterectomies, myomectomies, and endometriosis resection with our advanced da Vinci surgical device.
  • Menopause management – hormone replacement therapies can be used to help patients during perimenopause and menopause when symptoms are impacting the way they feel. This transition is natural, but can be bothersome due to the severity of some symptoms.
  • Immunizations – our practice offers immunizations for influenza and HPV (Gardasil 9) for new and established patients.

Find out more information by calling our facility for a consultation visit

If you are seeking a new reproductive health professional, or are new to the area, we welcome you to book a consultation visit with one of our providers to seek routine gynecological services. Our facility is located at 7901 Diley Road, Suite #205/260 and can be reached by calling (614) 755-4200.

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Office Information

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

Phone will be answered 8am to 5pm Monday thru Thursday. Any messages left after 3:30pm on Thursday will not be answered until the following Monday. Leaving multiple voice mail messages will only delay a response from us. Please be patient. Please beware prescriptions are not considered an emergency and will not be handled by the emergency line. If you have an emergency after office hours or on Fridays, please call our after hour emergency line. You will be patched through to an off-site operator who will pass the message to the physician on call. If the Physician does not deem the message as an emergency, we will contact you the next business day.

NO children under the age of 8 weeks will be allowed with you during your appointment.

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