Prenatal Care

If you are pregnant, you may think that you only need to see the doctor when you’re getting close to your due date. That’s not true: you should first see a physician around eight weeks after your last missed period. Many women may not realize that seeing a doctor is important throughout the pregnancy, because we help you understand how to take care of your health and your baby’s health. We can also help you avoid certain complications, or understand what complications you’re more likely to experience. Keep reading to learn more about prenatal care and how you can set up your baby’s health before she is even born.

Prenatal care can help keep you and your baby healthy throughout your pregnancy, but also can encourage better health after the baby is born. Did you know that babies of mothers who did not receive prenatal care are three times more likely to have a low birth weight, which can lead to other issues?

Doctors can identify health problems early when they see pregnant women on a regular basis. That means we can treat issues sooner, as well. And early treatment can cure many problems and prevent others from even occurring. We can take advantage of these visits to help you learn about things you can do to give your unborn babies a healthy start to life.

Most prenatal visits will include:

  • Checking blood pressure
  • Measuring your weight gain
  • Measuring your abdomen to check baby’s growth
  • Checking baby’s heart rate

You also will have some routine tests performed. Some tests are suggested for all women, like blood work to check for anemia, HIV, and other tests that may be tailored to you. Other tests might be offered based how old you are, your personal or family health history, your ethnic background, or the results of routine tests you have had. If you have just found out you’re pregnant, congratulations! We are so excited for you as you go on your motherhood journey. If you are looking for a physician to help you along, give us a call at (614) 755-4200 to schedule a consultation. We would love to help you and your little one stay healthy through your pregnancy.

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Office Information

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday: 8:30am - 4pm
Friday - Sunday: Closed

Phone will be answered 8am to 5pm Monday thru Thursday. Any messages left after 3:30pm on Thursday will not be answered until the following Monday. Leaving multiple voice mail messages will only delay a response from us. Please be patient. Please beware prescriptions are not considered an emergency and will not be handled by the emergency line. If you have an emergency after office hours or on Fridays, please call our after hour emergency line. You will be patched through to an off-site operator who will pass the message to the physician on call. If the Physician does not deem the message as an emergency, we will contact you the next business day.

NO children under the age of 8 weeks will be allowed with you during your appointment.

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