We all have preferences when it comes to our favorite treatments and the results we’re working for. Some of us love facials because they’re so pampering and relaxing. Some of us want more powerful results for our time, and gravitate toward Botox or fillers. Then, there are the patients who want to see the glowing skin that results from a great chemical peel, and don’t mind that they may need a little downtime to get those results. Keep reading to learn why beauty-obsessed patients love chemical peels.
For Everyone
Okay, almost anyone can get a chemical peel, regardless of your skin type or the color of your skin. It’s well-known that some beautifying treatments should only be used on certain skin tones, but chemical peels are amazing for almost any skin type. Granted, your skin color or type may lead us to recommend certain peels over others.
Great Results
Chemical peels are known treatments for helping to reverse the signs of sun damage, aging, and other skin conditions like hyperpigmentation. Peels can improve the appearance of skin by removing dead skin cells and exposing healthy new skin. Peels can be used on various parts of the body, too. The face, the neck, the chest, and even the back can be treated with a peel to fade away fine lines, wrinkles, large pores, scarring from breakouts, and hyperpigmentation. You may want to come in for a series of peels, depending on the results you’re looking for.
There are many acids that can be used in a chemical peel treatment, including but not limited to, alphahydroxy acids (AHA), trichloroacetic acid (TCA) and phenol. Because we have many options, we can tailor the peel to your skin type and what results you want. After the peel is applied, you may experience a slight burning sensation. That’s totally normal and means that the peel is working. The stinging sensation will be neutralized and then it’s just a matter of time for your results to reveal themselves!
Give us a call at (614) 755-4200 to learn more about chemical peels or other treatments to help you get the skin you want.