Finding out you’re pregnant is usually a surprise, even if you’ve been actively trying. Excitement and worry may jockey for position in your mind as you process what’s really about to happen to your life. Having a baby is a big job, so understanding all the aspects of it can help you have a smooth, calm pregnancy.
Instead of letting the worry take over, make a list of the questions you have before you go to your first baby appointment. Being prepared can really help you feel at ease and in control. If you forget something important you may end up stressing about not knowing what food you should be avoiding. Keep reading for a good list of questions to ask your OB/GYN during your first appointment.
• When is a good time to call you with questions? Who can I call if you aren’t available? Is email okay?
• Are there any restrictions I should be aware of if I choose to travel while I’m pregnant?
• What changes might I need to make in my beauty routine? Can I still paint my nails?
• What over-the-counter medications are safe for me to take, and in what dosage? Are there any medications that I should avoid?
• Are the prescription medications I’m currently taking safe? If not, what can I take or do instead? (Come prepared with a list of medications/supplements/vitamins you take.)
• Do you recommend a specific kind of prenatal vitamin?
• Do you recommend any prenatal classes for me?
• How much weight should I gain during my pregnancy, and at what rate?
• Do I have an increased risk of any specific complications or conditions? What might need to be changed in my birth plan due to these factors?
• Is exercise safe for me during my pregnancy? Are there certain kinds of exercise I should avoid?
• What symptoms should I expect, and how can I manage them?
• What is your position on… Inductions? Scheduled c-sections? Epidurals and other pain medications? Episiotomies? Vacuum and forceps usage? IVs and EFMs? Delayed cord clamping? What are my options?
If you’re looking for a great OB/GYN, contact us at (614) 755-4200 to schedule a consultation!