Fed up with heavy menstrual bleeding due to fibroids?
Hysterectomy is NOT the only answer.
Now there is an INCISIONLESS fibroid treatment option If you are one of the millions of women with uterine fibroids, you know they can cause heavy menstrual bleeding and long, uncomfortable periods. Many women are told that hysterectomy (surgically removing the whole uterus) is the only option, but now there’s an INCISIONLESS alternative that is changing women’s lives.
If you answer “Yes” to these questions, Sonata may be the right choice for you!
- Do your periods last longer than 7 days?
- Do you change your pad or tampon every 2-3 hours?
- Do you wake up throughout the night to avoid staining your bedding?
- Do your heavy periods interfere with your daily activities or work?
- Has your doctor talked to you about fibroids?
Consult with your doctor to compare your options and determine your treatment plan.
- Fibroids are benign growths in or around the uterus, ranging in size from a grape to a grapefruit.
What are the SYMPTOMS?
- Fibroids may cause heavy menstrual bleeding and periods that last for weeks instead of days.
- Women may feel pain or pressure in the abdomen and symptoms can worsen over time.
How does the SONATA TREATMENT work?
- This outpatient procedure usually takes less than one hour.
- The doctor passes the Sonata Treatment handpiece through the vagina and into the uterus.
- Ultrasound waves from the tip are used to locate the fibroid.
- The Sonata Treatment handpiece delivers radiofrequency energy to shrink the fibroid over time and reduce symptoms.
What to expect on the day of your sonata treatment procedure?
- Have nothing to eat or drink after midnight the day before your procedure.
- Someone should drive you to and from the procedure.
- Wear comfortable loose clothing.
Your physician passes the Sonata Treatment handpiece through the vagina and into the uterus where it remains throughout the procedure. The handpiece uses ultrasound waves to target individual fibroids, then delivers radiofrequency energy to one fibroid at a time (if more than one is being treated). The fibroid will shrink over several months, reducing or eliminating symptoms.
After the procedure you will rest a bit and then be ready for discharge. Most patients get cleared to go home within 2-3 hours after starting the procedure.
After the Sonata Treatment, there may or may not be specific restrictions to physical activities. However, we recommend that you gradually increase activities at a comfortable pace. Many patients return to normal activity by the next day.
- You should NOT drive a car or operate machinery or power tools for 24 hours after the procedure due to medications used during your procedure. You may resume driving when not taking pain medication that may impair judgment and response while driving.
- You may bathe or shower as directed by your physician. Your doctor will indicate how long you should avoid intercourse and how long to wait before using a tampon.
- You may resume a regular diet as tolerated.
Common side effects include bleeding, spotting, cramping, post-ablation inflammatory symptoms, and/or discharge. Your doctor should discuss all potential risks in detail.
WHEN TO NOTIFY your physician?
Call your physician if you develop any of the following symptoms:
- Persistent nausea or vomiting
- Excessive bleeding (greater than 4 pads in 2 hours or as otherwise directed by your physician)
- Severe abdominal pain
- Fever (your doctor’s office will indicate at which temperature they should be notified)
If you cannot contact your physician, go to your Emergency Room or call 911.